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Man found dead at Pointe Larue

Pointe Larue, Seychelles | May 23, 2014, Friday @ 15:44 in National » GENERAL | By: Sharon Uranie | Views: 22017
Man found dead at Pointe Larue

(Seychelles News Agency) - Seychelles police have reported that Guyto Gabriel, a 48 year old man, was certified dead after he was found motionless in an abandoned house at Pointe Larue, an eastern district on Mahé, the main island of the Seychelles archipelago.

According to the police statement they were alerted on the incident at around 6.15pm last night.

Gabriel was living together with two of his cousins at the house where he was found.

"According to his cousins, Guyto, was fine the night before (Wednesday night) and that he was sleeping when they left the house yesterday morning……When they got back at around 5.50pm last night they found him lying face down and was not moving,” reads the police statement.

Gabriel was transported to the Casualty at the Seychelles Hospital in the capital of Victoria where he was certified dead.

The police is awaiting autopsy results to determine the cause of death while it continues with its investigation.

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Tags: Pointe Larue, police, Guyto Gabriel

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