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Niger’s first ambassador to Seychelles promises to build strong diplomatic ties

Victoria, Seychelles | November 18, 2014, Tuesday @ 19:44 in National » DIPLOMACY | By: Sharon Meriton Jean | Views: 48621
Niger’s first ambassador to Seychelles promises to build strong diplomatic ties

Rakiatou Mayaki at State House in the capital of Victoria (Mervyn Marie, Seychelles News Agency)

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(Seychelles News Agency) - Rakiatou Mayaki is the first ambassador of Niger to Seychelles following the presentation of her credentials to the Seychelles President James Michel at State House, Victoria, this morning.

After the meeting Mayaki told the local press that both countries are willing to improve their cooperation especially in the fishing and agricultural sectors.

"Being a land-locked country, we need Seychelles which is an island state, which has a lot of potential, especially in agriculture….We also spoke about security and the REFLECS 3 project [Regional Fusion and Law Enforcement Centre for Safety and Security at Sea]. In Niger, we are faced with a security problem and we need to be more vigilant. This is why this cooperation we want to establish with Seychelles is very important,” said Mayaki in the press interview.

Mayaki also reiterated that the relationship between the two countries needs to be reinforced and intensified.

The Niger ambassador is based in Pretoria, South Africa.

REFLECS 3 is a centre which is based in Seychelles and has three missions; a Transnational Organised Crime Unit (TOCU), a Maritime Trade Information Sharing Centre (MTISC) and a local capacity building coordination group.

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Tags: Niger, President James Michel

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