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As Seychelles' economy picks up, jobseeking numbers, vacancies, terminations all drop

Victoria, Seychelles | August 31, 2021, Tuesday @ 15:33 in Business | By: Salifa Karapetyan Edited by: Betymie Bonnelame | Views: 7115
As Seychelles' economy picks up, jobseeking numbers, vacancies, terminations all drop

Bakers said that there has been a reduction in redundancy because the border has reopened which means more tourists are coming in. (Joe Laurence, Seychelles News Agency)

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(Seychelles News Agency) - A decrease in the number of jobseekers, registered vacancies and terminations through redundancies were seen in the second quarter of 2021 compared to the first, employment statistics show.

Between January and March, a total of 1,134 job seekers registered with the employment department, while 595 registrations between April and June, a 48 percent reduction.

Out of the 1,729 registrations made this year, the employment department has referred 1,725 people into places of work. Out of this number, a little over 500 individuals referred – representing 30 percent - remain unemployed.

The principal secretary for employment, Jules Baker, explained recently in a press conference that these are people who are still facing some challenges in terms of skill sets and experience.

"As such we still need to work with them, to find the right job for them to go into," continued Baker.

When it comes to applications for redundancies, the employment department recorded a 78 percent decrease in the second quarter. A total of 15 organisations made applications between April and June compared to 69 organisations from January to March.

From April to June organisation made applications to make redundant 140 people, 106 Seychellois and 34 foreigners.

"There has been a reduction in redundancy because the border has reopened which means more tourists are coming in. As a result, there is more business confidence and we see that instead of making workers redundant, the demand for workers is still increasing, for both Seychellois and expats. However, we see that more Seychellois were made redundant for this year as the majority of establishments were employing more Seychellois than expats," said Baker.

Statistics further showed that there is still a demand for foreign workers. Applications were made for 3,559 foreign workers – 1,493 new applications and 2,049 renewals – during the second quarter of 2021, as compared to 3,182 applications - 1,512 new and 1,668 renewals - received in quarter one.

The construction sector stands at the top of the list with 41 percent of the demands for foreign workers. This is followed by accommodations and food services - 25.5 percent - and wholesale and retail - 8.5 percent.

The employment department outlined that the team will do their best to ensure that Seychellois are considered first for any position made available on the market. 

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