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5 ways kids have been keeping busy during COVID home confinement

Victoria, Seychelles | May 21, 2020, Thursday @ 11:43 in Entertainment » SEYCHELLES BUZZ | By: Sharon Ernesta | Views: 9542
5 ways kids have been keeping busy during COVID home confinement

(Salifa Karapetyan, Seychelles News Agency) 

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Self-isolation and home confinement may be the most challenging change that people have had to cope with during COVID-19. And for children, this can be especially hard.  

In Seychelles, all schools – state and private - closed right after the first case was confirmed in mid-March. With the reopening of schools now scheduled for May 18, SNA present five things kids have been doing to keep busy during home confinement.

Keeping up with lessons

Though students have been at home for two months, these times were not to be confused with school holidays. Schools made special provision for learning to take place at home with lessons being offered online as well as being broadcast on national media. In some cases, teachers created a WhatsApp group to better interact with students and parents. So go on kids: back to you maths worksheets!  

(Bernice Docteur) Photo License: All Rights Reserved 

Bring out this hidden talent

Children can be very gifted but coping with school work might have deprived them the time to develop such further. But with eight weeks at home, some new emerging talents and skills, especially in the music field, are being revealed. Let’s hope they keep at it and develop further. And who knows these talents might become a music legend in the likes of Patrick Victor in the next generation!   

 (Marc Arissol) Photo License: All Rights Reserved 

Pen, colours, paper and collage

Creativity is part of the school curriculum where students are taught the arts. Children can also develop further in extracurricular and clubs activities. But one must admit that in schools priority is given to languages, sciences and mathematics. With all the time at home, stories are written and told, poems recited, drawings done as well as a sculpture or two and why not using recycled materials.  

(Unique Foundation) Photo License: CC-BY

Pet time

With Monday to Friday spent in school, and weekends limited to revision and home works. There is little time to do other stuff such as taking time to care for pets and other domesticated animals. But COVID-19 has presented the time to take care of the pets or even time to build the long-awaited coops for chickens, ducks or even a new pen for your Shelly - your pet tortoise!  

 (Dave Ernesta) Photo License: All Rights Reserved 

Family bonding

With parents at work and children at school, time goes by so fast. Little time is kept for family activities. But family time is crucial and whilst normally people struggle and juggle work and family time, home confinement has given families much needed time together. And that bonding is strengthened when families can do things together.  

 (Salifa Karapetyan) Photo License: All Rights Reserved 
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